
Habitasul + Irani

    Location: 400 Carlos Gomes Avenue - Porto Alegre RS

    Area: 860 m² / 9,260 sqf

    Project: 2022

    Construction: 2022

    Client: Habitasul

    Status: Built

    Project leaders: Fernando Balvedi and Daieli Kunz

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Traditional company with more than 50 years of existence, Habitasul started its activities in 1967, being responsible for some of the largest and best known real estate business in southern Brazil, such as Jurerê Internacional (Florianópolis SC), Condominium and Hotel Laje de Pedra (Canela RS), among others.

Aware of new forms of work, Habitasul decided to dispose of its former headquarters building, built in 1980 and located in the historic center of Porto Alegre, to create a new, modern and comfortable headquarters. Also owned by Irani Papel e Packaging, the company decided to create a hub where the collaborators of the two companies that work in Porto Alegre could meet to work, do meetings, collaborative work and also receive customers. The place chosen was a modern corporate building on av. Carlos Gomes.

The party organizes various program activities in a central nucleus - toilets, cups, focus rooms and individual rooms for calls, among others - leaving the rest of the floor as a large open space, where the activities will be Developing without barriers: lounges, collaborative work, design thinking, workstations, among others. Also part of the project is the Family Office of Habitasul owners.

Technical Sheet

    Architeture Project: Hype Studio - Fernando Balvedi, Jean Grivot, Maurício Santos, Luísa Konzen, Naiara Forneck, Luís Bonilla, Bruno Carvalho, Daieli Kunz

    Team: Cícero Kroeff, Giovanna Parisotto, Matheus Dimer

    Electrical Project: Proinst Engineering

    HVAC Project: Projectmica Engenharia

    EFPC Project: Asolon Engineering

    Plumbing: Asolon Engineering

    Light Design: Eduardo Becker Ateliê de Iluminação